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Canaan, vendettas and girls with guns

This is probably the only post of mine that you will read where I use only pictures from the anime I’m reviewing XD

To get it out of the way, I’m not going to lie. I’m only writing this post because I feel terrible that there has been virtually no new content here for the past month except for my videos. But, I’m still going to have fun writing it so it kind of cancels each other out in a weird, illogical way. However, that being said, the writers of OP (excluding Selcouth) are once again quasi-free!! LessThanFree, SleepyNoYume and I’s prelims are over and we can post again (Disclaimer: we’re probably still too lazy to post or we don’t have time to post because we’re mugging our arse off for the “O” levels).

Either way, I felt bad for not posting so you readers can look forward to 8 posts by me soon, including this one. I’m trawling through my little notepad of post ideas and I’ve picked the 8 most promising that I’ve wanted to do for a while now. And some of them are reallllllllllllly belated. Like this one for example.

Words of Wisdom

Canaan was an anime that was on my to-watch list for a long time. I added it about 3 months after I got into the whole anime/manga/Japanese thing but I only watched it at the start of this year (That’s about 8 months despite having downloaded it immediately after I chose to watch it). As per usual, I only watched it after a period of extended boredom and realisation that I had such an anime on my MAL.

I marathoned the anime over the course of two days but I was already loving it by episode 3. I thought to myself “This anime! I like it! This appeals to me!” as I ate my lunch. So yes, if you haven’t guessed by now (Firstly, you must be really slow in the head to not have by now), today’s post would be my review of the anime, Canaan.

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