Daily Archives: February 3, 2012

Responsibility and Innocence (Usagi Drop anime review)

To build context for this post and for the next few by me that will follow this, recently, I’ve been running out of ideas on what to post. It’s not that I have nothing original, it’s that I know that such ideas won’t have substantial content to publish a post with. And some ideas are just really random but things I would like to do, but preferably not on WordPress due to lack of some tools. Hence, I thought “why not review anime?” There are a few series that I haven’t reviewd that I greatly enjoyed, particularly those that ended recently. Hence forth, this is the first of a short binge of anime review posting.

The scene that made this show shine in my eyes

Undoubtedly one of my favourite anime of all time, Usagi Drop really left a deep impression on me long after I finished watching it. I picked up the show only after 4 episodes had aired as I actually wasn’t really forward to it. As usual, I picked it up on a whim one day when I was bored and began watching.

From the first episode, I was absolutely captivated by it. The plot, the art and the feelings the show gave enraptured me and I watched the next 3 episodes immediately, forgetting about my work (I got scolded for that the next day of course). From then on, I would eagerly await the next episode. I couldn’t get enough.

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