Daily Archives: February 23, 2012

The Eternal Otaku problem – Reblogged from AOIA

Too funny to not use

Yes, it’s another post that I wrote on AOIA that I saw fit to post here too because I found it to be a good piece of my work.

First things first, I lied about the title. It is a problem HOWEVER, it’s one that will go away with time. A lot of time as well as effort too.

This is a follow up post to Otaku Time Management and I’m going to rant about what I think is one of my greatest worries so as too speak. It relates to my posts about our time management in general and I do think it applies. If not, treat this as subjective as this is from my personal experiences mostly. By no means should you take anything you read on the Internet too seriously. Because out there, a Nigerian prince wants funds to help French kids with Polio.

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