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GO! GO! MANIAC! (InuxBoku Episode 9 Review)

What a title for this episode. “Day of the Promise”, it makes this episode sound so serious and like somebody died or something. But then, it’s just a day to drink coffee with Miketsukami.

Heads up, but most of the pictures are here for the moe, nothing else.

This episode has weird scenes in it does it not?

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Trickster Sister – Nisemonogatari Episode 10 Review

I can’t believe how fast this series is coming to a close, with only one episode to go for this season. I can see why its called trickster story; Karen’s arc is about a trickster, Kaiki, stirring up trouble and now Tsukihi Phoenix is about a supernatural being deceiving people.

This episode really satisfied me. Tsukihi finally gets some screen time in this arc and the plot thickens.

The show hints at Tsukihi’s immortality with her permanent scar healing, and of course the scar is located in the middle of her chest. Araragi, being a helpful older brother, decides to check on it when he realizes he can’t see it. Tsukihi seems completely unaware of her ability. It would be pretty sad if she found out about it through everyone but her growing old and dying.

Or is she?

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A Miu-centric Episode (Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai Episode 9 Review)

(No more greetings until I think of cooler ones) This episode is basically a Miu centered episode with her going on a date. But relax all you Miu lover, it is just Nimura trying to cheer her up after she seemed dull.

Miu-centric episode = Miu-centred Pictures

This episode has the label “Light-Hearted but contains serious themes” all over it. So, I will try approaching it with this cattle prod.

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This is INSANITY! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 9 Review)

I am seriously running out of ways to start the post, so today, I’ll try this. (Monotone Voice) Another episode of Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, this time episode 9. Please enjoy.

Just... need... to change the angle.

(Usual Hyper Voice) Yay! This time I guess the main theme for this episode is INSANITY. But that’s the theme for every episode. Guess I’ll stick to is all the same.

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The Socially Awkward Ririchiyo (InuxBoku SS Episode 7 & 8 Review)

So it is time for ANOTHER, double episode review. This time it’s for InuxBoku SS! Wow, I am really, really glad that once I am done with this I will be back on schedule and can do other things. If time permits, I might do a Symphogear review. (Or not)

This is DEFINITELY considered fanservice

Since we left off, nothing has changed except maybe Ririchiyo has friends now. Both Watanuki and Karuta are both close to Ririchiyo and although she does not admit it, I guess we all know she likes it. Plot wise nothing much progressed between those two episodes so nothing much to talk about there. Read the rest of this entry

A new challenger has arrived – Nisemonogatari Episode 9 Review

This episode picks off right where the last left off. After avoiding Tsukihi’s punishment, Araragi arranges a meet with Kanbaru for Karen and as usual, Kanbaru is naked in her house.

The show just read my mind

I’m a little disappointed because I wanted to see the interaction between Kanbaru and Karen, they seem like they would get along very well but I guess we’ll have to wait till the next episode to see it. I realize that the content is really dragged out throughout Nisemonogatari.

Every episode feels like a fragment of a complete episode, especially in the case of the previous episode. Back in Karen Bee, I had no idea what happened to Karen for the first 3 episodes. And now, Tsukihi’s screen time in her own arc is minuscule. Its not a bad thing to pace content but I feel like some of the banter is completely unnecessary.

When Araragi broke the 4th wall and started addressing the viewers about how he wouldn’t sexually harass Hachikuji, I knew it was going to happen. And since he’s back to sexual harassment, Hachikuji is back to mispronouncing his name.

Yes we did. And you didn't disappoint

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The Power of Cute Compels You! (Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai Episode 7 & 8 Review)

Time for a double episode review special for PapaKiki. As soon as I’m done with these, I will be finally back on schedule. Yay! Now you may be wondering about the title of this post, it has great meaning to episode 8 and is a K-ON dub reference.

If you did not know, this is a reference to the PV of the OP "Happy Girl" by KitaEri (Miu)

Seeing that episode 7 and 8 are both linked, it does not hurt to put them together, after all this means double the cuteness.

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Craziness of Being a High School Student (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 8 Review)

So the show has aired it already. Sorry for posting this a little bit late but a mixture of school, laziness and tiredness delayed this post a lot. Anyway, seeing that I still have several posts that I owe you, I better get on with it.

Yes folks, this is the most fanservicy pic in the entire episode

This episode once again just simply shows how “forever alone” these boys are. I mean, it is bad enough to see it happening to yourself on a daily basis, they have to make a show that emphasizes so much on it. It’s hard to be a highs school boy.

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The Forever Alone High School Boys (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 8)

Wow this post is really late. I planned to do both episodics today, but since episode 8 is not subbed yet for reasons I do not know so I will just do episode 7 first.

This is the most fanservicy picture I could find. orz

Apparently these guys are going to be in their second year of high school for the rest of their lives. Pity the same thing will not happen for a certain music anime with a band and moe girls. But if you think about it for a while. It’s a great thing. Second year means a relaxing time with no pressure from your University Entrance exams. That’s one hell of a good life.

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End of the Bee and into the Phoenix (Nisemonogatari Episode 7 Review)

Hello people. It’s me again. Why? You might ask. Well… Free’s said he was lazy to do it plus we have tests tomorrow so he kinda ditched you guys. Nah, he’s just (quote) “Too lazy” to do it so I am back here again. Not bad seeing that I get to round up the rest of this arc.

This can become a thing, put the most fanservicy pic as the first one.

What is with Nisem and their blatant fanservice? I mean did they really have to do that?

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