Daily Archives: February 18, 2012

The Moe Giant-Arse Skeleton (InuxBoku SS Episode 6 Review)

Thank you all for your support, as Cyborg said in his latest post, we have reached 10k views. It may not seem much but to us, it is a tremendous milestone and we thank you. So, on to some InuxBoku SS awesomeness.

Just something to get your attention

This episode is a really special want. It’s a Karuta centered episode. An entire episode listening to HanaKana’s sweet voice.

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Sexist? I Think So! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 6)

Wow, this time I’m really, really late with this post. Sorry about that, my exams are really close and work just keeps piling up so this post has been delayed long enough.

I'll be gone for a while next week ;_; Will you miss me?

As expected from Nichibros, this episode had me laughing as usual. Not your usual “har har” but the “HAR HAR HEE HEE HOO HOO” kind of laugh. Wait, who on earth laughs like that? Oh wait… I do.

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