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This is INSANITY! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 9 Review)

I am seriously running out of ways to start the post, so today, I’ll try this. (Monotone Voice) Another episode of Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, this time episode 9. Please enjoy.

Just... need... to change the angle.

(Usual Hyper Voice) Yay! This time I guess the main theme for this episode is INSANITY. But that’s the theme for every episode. Guess I’ll stick to is all the same.

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The Forever Alone High School Boys (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 8)

Wow this post is really late. I planned to do both episodics today, but since episode 8 is not subbed yet for reasons I do not know so I will just do episode 7 first.

This is the most fanservicy picture I could find. orz

Apparently these guys are going to be in their second year of high school for the rest of their lives. Pity the same thing will not happen for a certain music anime with a band and moe girls. But if you think about it for a while. It’s a great thing. Second year means a relaxing time with no pressure from your University Entrance exams. That’s one hell of a good life.

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Sexist? I Think So! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 6)

Wow, this time I’m really, really late with this post. Sorry about that, my exams are really close and work just keeps piling up so this post has been delayed long enough.

I'll be gone for a while next week ;_; Will you miss me?

As expected from Nichibros, this episode had me laughing as usual. Not your usual “har har” but the “HAR HAR HEE HEE HOO HOO” kind of laugh. Wait, who on earth laughs like that? Oh wait… I do.

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Guys Look Pathetic this Episode! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 5 Review)

So, Nichibros is back again and as usual it is funny. God, I need a new way to start this post. How about, this show is absolutely spiffing? No?

This show can only remain serious for about 5 seconds

Anyway, the jokes are good as usual but I guess talking about the entire thing for the entire posts seems to get boring. Though I will attempt to do so.

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Wait, there are Girls? (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou Episode 4 Review)

Now, what can a show almost completely comedy do to make sure that the same thing does not seem to happen over and over again? They go to a completely new premise and level of insanity.

Uh... Yes... this is... insanity... a whole new level....

Fortunately for us, that is exactly what Nichibros do for us! They take it up to the next level. Wait! What are girls doing in my manly anime about school life?

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Doing Stupid Things with Your Bros (Danshi Koukouse no Nichijou Episode 3 Review)

So after the rather long break we had, we are back! So, back to the show that was scheduled to be reviewed on Tuesday. Danshi Koukouse no Nichijou, aka, Nichibros. I have to say, as expected from this show, the comedy and stupidity are as great as ever and you will have many face palm moments throughout this episode.

Try no to drink soda during this episode

However, there are moments when a teen like me reading this will start nodding and say,”I know how that feels like…”

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Nichibros (Daily Lives of Highshool Boys Ep 2 Review)

Thanks to a rather interesting conversation I saw on twitter, I discovered an interesting nickname for this anime. So let’s move on to Nichibros episode 2 review! This post may or may not have been sponsored by these following sponsers.

That my friend, is the face when you know you got caught doing something stupid

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Single Sex Schools Mess Your Mind Up! (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou First Impressions)

Seeing that I rant too randomly most of the time, I am going to get straight to the point. This post is about Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou or The Daily Lives of High School Boys a comedy show starring 3 boys. (So no cute girls or anything) That’s just sad. By the way, I’m trying a new blogging style so tell me what you think.

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This was started by randomness and alcohol part 1 (Massive Winter 2012 anime group Preview)

For this season, there aren’t many animes that I am interested in, unlike the Fall season. Some have the ability and potential in my opinion to be good from the plot summary. Only Black Rock Shooter and Another are on my definite “to-watch” list. The rest will depend on recommendations and my boredom.

But I’m sure you’re wondering what’s the reason behind the name for the post.

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